22 aprile 2010

Silence and Word

Il ciclo "Il Silenzio e la Parola", fa parte del libro delle "Storielle minime" (edito per le edizioni del Pesce d'oro di Vanni Scheiwiller).
Ringrazio il mio amico James Fugazza per la traduzione che io ritengo apprezzabile, soprattutto perché fatta da persona molto sensibile e che ha la lingua inglese come lingua madre.

Before meeting her, he was sad and lonesome and inclined to brooding.
Not so Word: she was always merry and mirthful, and most importantly, she had a knack for making friends. And what’s more she loved being with them! Admittedly, at times she was so boisterous, unruly even, as to appear shallow.
Anyway, be it as it may, such was the difference between them that they couldn’t help thinking they were made for each other.
No sooner had they met that they’d fallen in love. It wasn’t long before they had a child, whom they called Prayer.

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